Most FAQ About IPL and Laser
2019-06-07Surrey MumPreneur Incentive
2019-07-15How can acne be treated?
Acne is undoubtedly one of the most common skin conditions. It affect all of us at some point during our lives. Ranging from a handful of blackheads to pimples all over the face, chest and back, it can prove a life-changing experience for some, both physically and psychologically.
One of the most satisfying feelings I can get is the knowledge that I have made a real difference to my clients’ lives. Restoring their confidence and self-esteem has never been easier. Thanks to the cast array of today’s topical applications on hand to help achieve spot-free skin.
Many misconceptions regarding the condition still exist, so going back to basics and examining how it occurs is essential. Skin produces excessive sebum (oil), causing blockage and inflammation in the hair follicles it’s called Acne vulgaris. This can form several types of lesions, which include comedones (blackheads), papules, pustules, nodules and cysts.
Another common misunderstanding regarding acne is that it only affects us during our teenage years. However, this is not always the case. Acne usually begins in adolescent stage. But this condition is not limited to any age groups.
Acne affects nearly 80% of the teenages and approximately 50% of them continue to experience symptoms as adults.
Teenage and adult acne have some differences that are triggered by environmental and lifestyle factors. It’s something I take into account in order to get the best results for my clients. These include diet, medication, cosmetics and hygiene, and, particularly in the case of adults, stress.
Moreover, the way that acneic skin deals with these factors actually differs depending upon age. With teenagers, skin recovers from breakouts quite quickly. As skin renewal is quicker and more resilient. With adults, it takes a little longer, as things are slower to repair and renew.
Dermalogica is also starting a campaign called #skindividual to educate everyone how to look after their skin.
Very often people tend to buy products over the counter which is quite hard to know exactly what will suit their skin.
My advice is go to a professional beauty therapist like myself 😁 as we will analyse your skin find out about condition, offer a bespoke and tailored facial and recommend the most suitable skincare range to use at home as after care.
Would like to know more? Book your appointment.